DOWSETTMAYHEW town planning consultants specialise in providing appraisals and feasibility assessments of the development potential of sites for both existing land owners and potential purchasers. Their advice enables their clients to make prompt, informed decisions on the likelihood of development being secured on sites, helping to inform the retention and expansion of property portfolios.

We specialise in demonstrating the viability of development schemes through robust appraisal, supported by rigorous due diligence, research and planning expertise.

Our detailed understanding of national planning legislation, backed up by a comprehensive knowledge of local planning policy in Brighton, Sussex, Surrey and Kent ensure development opportunities can be identified efficiently and cost effectively.

Development appraisals and feasibility assessments help clients maximise the value of their property and potential site acquisitions. dowsettmayhew identify planning strategies at the earliest stage to help manage the planning process from conception to winning planning permission.

Our services include:

  • Development site appraisals
  • Practical and planning policy site constraints analysis
  • Opportunity and risk assessment to delivery of development objective
  • Strategy advice on maximising development potential.

We can advise on individual development projects, strategic land, large strategic development projects and regeneration schemes.